The First Demo of RIBBIT. The dev Saga Begins...

Welcome to Simple Pig Games' First Prototype!

We’re thrilled to share the first look at our upcoming retro platformer! Featuring 'Mega Man esk' gameplay with elements of Celeste, light puzzling, and a tough-as-nails difficulty, this game is designed to test your skills while keeping you engaged. Full controller support is available (and highly recommended for the best experience).

Currently, the art is placeholder, but the gameplay is already taking shape. Jump in and play through this relatively easy tutorial level to get a taste of what’s to come. The story is still under wraps, but trust us—it’ll be worth the wait!

Give it a try, and we’d love to hear your feedback!


Demo 29 MB
12 days ago
Ribbit 1.6 50 MB
12 days ago

Get RIBBIT. | An Early Demo

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